
Liz on No Sleep

I got no sleep last night. It just makes me not want to ever sleep in the tunnel during an overnight again. We had such a small group that I could actually fit in there, but everyone had to walk by me to get up in the middle of the night and a ridiculous number of people were up in the middle of the night including a sleep walker. Seriously.

And saying I got a bad night of sleep at the aquarium where I'm already guaranteed to have no sleep is noteworthy. That night set the bar pretty high.

When I got home this morning I knew I wanted to exercise because I didn't really do that yesterday. No, not "I didn't really do that yesterday", I just flat out didn't. A couple weeks ago while at Target with Kelly I got a bike pump so I put air in my tires and went for a ride.

I'm not sure I'm really a fan of bike rides. I don't think I am. At least not the hills. It's clear I need to go back to the gym and set the resistance on those bikes much higher than I do now.

right now I'm doing laundry. It's really too late in the day for me to take a nap. Usually if I'm going to take one I'm out by 12:00 or 1:00p. This is really too late. It just means I'll never get to sleep tonight defeating the purpose of napping to maintain my sleep cycle.

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