
wow is it hot

It's really hot outside. Too hot to be running. Nonetheless...

I ran the short route today, 3.6 miles, and I was hot by the time I got home. I think I was dehydrated. I probably still am. I thought about sitting out by the pool today after the run, and then I thought about jumping in the pool after the run. Neither one really sounded like the best option so I opted for cleaning for a while. I still have more to do. For some reason or other, I can never manage to get my living room clean (and it's where I spend all my time).

I'm lamenting the fact that there's not too much on TV right now. I thought about getting cable again but I cannot change my cable package right now for reasons that are too difficult to explain.

Wanna know something else? I found a bug in Firefox and reported it. At first I thought I was loosing my mind and just couldn't customize the toolbar. I feel like a detective now.

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