
Orangutang the iPod

I got a new iPod. Have I mentioned that? I got reimbursed for like ten things at once at work and so had some extra cash. I decided after the licensing exam I needed a reward. Then I saw this article on digg that gave recommendations about the timing of buying new apple products. It's based on the fairly reliable assumption that apple updates their products on an approximately semi-annual schedule. The shuffle was just updated, but the big iPod, which I also desire, is due to be updated but hasn't been yet. Although I have no doubt that if I bought it we'd hear the upgrade info on Monday.

I bought orange because at one of my jobs, the one with teenagers, we wear orange. It reminds me of that job. I named the iPod Orangutang the Orange iPod. (I had to give it a name when I registered it on my computer.) For some reason, "Liz' iPod" seemed too boring.

I'm taking a break from cleaning. Yes at 12:40am. The kitchen is clean except for the floor. Ditto for the living room. I still have the bathroom, which I may leave, the hall way which is just picking stuff up, and my bedroom which is almost exlcusively dirty clothes that haven't found their way to their final destination. We'll see if I do floors tonight. I'm not counting on it.
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