
Photo and running update

Is it bad if ice forms on my body while I'm running? It didn't make me cold. I actually didn't know about it until after I got home.

I'm toying with the idea of running 4 miles instead of 3.6. I'll have to play with the Google Maps Pedometer (see link over in the sidebar of the blog) and find a 4 mile route. How funny that I have a 3.6 and a 5 and a 6 but no 4.

I also started timing myself. I ran 12 minute miles today. It took me 48 minutes (can that be right?) to run 3.6 miles. I am so slow. Maybe when the weather gets a bit warmer I'll be really fast. I thought I was moving faster today than yesterday though.

After running I had to get Bagels for everyone in my Friday morning class. I would have been on time but it seems that every time the sun is shining there is a traffic jam on I-94 eastbound. Seriously people, it's the sun.

Here's the fun things I saw on the internet today:
1. The Long Horse: The Most Bizarre Creature I've ever seen.

2. Keith Ellison will swear his oath on the Qur'an and not the Bible when he is sworn into the US House of Representatives. Seriously, "the Jews swear on the Bible too" is the dumbest argument I've ever heard. It's right up there with "he jumped off the cliff so it seemed like a good idea..."

3. Coffee and more specifically why it's good for me to drink. I love coffee.

4. Best Open Source Projects.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I'd like to add that there is nothing saying that a representative has to swear on any sort of religious document when taking office. Occasionally they will have their pictures taken symbolically with their hand on the Bible, but that's it. Or, at least, that's what the internet told me. So aside from people getting their undies in a bunch, it's quite ridiculous, both for Ellison to make such a claim and for others to get upset about it. It's simply not relevant.

    But I thought it was a fine idea for him to do so - really, if he actually respects and obeys the Quran instead of the Bible, wouldn't it be more meaningful for him to put his hand on the former?

    I avoided this rant on my blog where it could potentially be dangerous, and decided to comment here instead. Aren't you lucky?
