
Lockdown day whatever. Liz in her house day 3 at least

 Today was a super sad day.

I've talked a lot about the city of Buffalo on this blog.  Some of my favorite lake spots and running spots are out there.  As well as a lovely cider orchard that Dungeon Master and I hit up one time.

There was a horrific shooting at a medical clinic in Buffalo today.  I will say I'm familiar with the clinic.  Victims have not been named but I'm fairly certain I'm going to know either the person who was murdered or one of the critical patients.  One person was shot, treated, and released. One person has died.  Three are in critical condition at this time.

So, yeah.  My day stopped around the time my phone blew up with people checking in with me. 

I'd originally planned to actually leave my house today, run on a treadmill, and attempt a weights workout.  That didn't happen.  Instead, this is day 3 of my Living Room Mile streak.  (That's one streak that can end any day now.) It's day 2,000 of me not seeing another human being.  (Not really; it's Tuesday and it's been since Saturday?).  I was so emotionally wrecked, I pretty much stopped and walked it out after I knew I'd hit my mile.  That's not a thing I do too often.

I am apparently the captain of Doom Scrolling.  Found that out today as well.  Sigh.

We're going to try it again tomorrow.  I've invited the Qat Lady over for Jazzercise and more fried squid.  And Captain Smiley for squid.  I don't think he's into the Jazzercise.  We'll see.

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