
Happy Weekend!

This weekend, cooler temperatures arrived.  Mercifully Minnesota is not experiencing the 'Alpine Conditions' some parts of the US are having.  We did have big winds most of the weekend and cooler temperatures.

Saturday I was not motivated to run. Running on the Greenway didn't even sound like fun.  So I didn't.  Instead I went to the bakery and grocery and then headed over to the gym.  I ran two miles and then walked a few laps with friends before Zumba.  The point of the run was to enjoy running in barefoot shoes.  I always feel like I use my big toe more when running in the Vibrams.  Anyone else notice that? 

Saturday afternoon in a fit of productivity, or I don't know what really.  I went and bought closet organizers and then started to give my front closet a makeover.  That project wound up spilling in to Sunday.  Late Saturday night I stopped and had a bottle of wine instead.

Sunday I woke up and re-commenced project 'build shelves and organize shoes'.  I don't even have that many shoes.  For a girl.  Organizing the front closet wound up spilling over into organizing the broom closet as well.  That was a swift project and glad I did it.  Who knew I had so many light bulbs?  Organization led for the need to take some stuff to Good Will.  I still need to go to the Habitat for Humanity ReStore to give them my chandeliers but they were closed today.  Somewhere in there, I managed to make a loaf of banana bread.

In the middle of the day, my body was all "get out and run " and my brain was all"15 mph winds; stay inside".  After a struggle, the body prevailed and I did a quick 20-minute shake out run. The goal of the run was to learn to breath in the cold air.  Even though I swear I'm not actually training for Dreidel Dash, I would like to finish it without needing medical attention.  Is there scientific proof there's less oxygen in cold air?

There were a number of errands run today which resulted in me being out after sunset.  Kind of easy when sunset is at 4:30pm.  A stop at Hiawatha Ave gave me this nice shot.  I'm hearing eventually these grain elevators will be torn down, but I'll believe it when I see it.

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