
Monday: How to train for a marathon in the HEAT

Short answer: find someplace air conditioned.
Long answer: this is one thing you can try...

We're under an extreme heat advisory here in the Twin Cities.  It's a little like the time last year when we set a record for the highest dew point on the planet outside of the Amazon Rain Forest.  It was around 80* when I woke up.  Late.  Obviously, I did not get in any exercise before work.

After work I headed over to the gym and did a couple workouts.  The track is usually well air conditioned but not so much tonight.  The workout floor (weight room and cardio equipment) was actually less humid.   My goal was 11 "miles" total.

Workout Number 1 - Track workout.
I ran a sort of ladder, sort of descending workout.  It went like this:  Run 1 lap, walk 1 lap; Run 2, walk 1; Run 3, walk 1; Run 4; walk 1.  Then Run 1 lap, walk 1 lap; Run 2, walk 1; Run 3, walk 1.  Followed by Run 1 lap, walk 1; Run 2, walk 1.  Finished with Run 1, walk 1.
I can't tell you if this is more awful than the 2,3,4,5,4,3,2 pyramid track workout, but it definitely belongs in that level of hell.
This is a five mile workout at my track.

Workout Number 2 - Drills
I did drills on the short ends of the track and ran the long sides, six laps totaling one mile.  Drills were two footed hops, walking lunges, criss cross side steps, high knees, kick butt, and running backwards.

Workout Number 3 - Elliptical
It's the elliptical.  My goal was to keep my heart rate in check, meaning 150 or less.
The stupid thing about doing sprints as part of a 'long' workout is it screws up your heart rate like no other.  So this is more an example how to never train for a marathon.  Whatever.

Music from the workout that should be on your running playlist (if you don't mind bad words)

It was so hot after my workouts that my legs were sweating.  And I didn't know my shorts could get soaked through with sweat.  I'd seen it with my shirt before of course.  But my shorts?  Everything was sweaty and disgusting.  Thank goodness for showers.

To survive the heat wave I've been sleeping next to my air conditioner on my air mattress.  It's nice not to wake up covered in a layer of sweat.

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