1) Katy Perry: Thank you for
my new favorite running song.
MnDOT: I'm renewing
my earlier concern about freaking closing Minnehaha Parkway under 35W with
no explanation or, you know, detour. The last time I ran through there, the sidewalks were at least closed on the east and west side of the bridge. Today at o'dark-thirty, there were no sidewalk closures marked on the east side of the bridge. Although as soon as I was under the bridge I met a huge construction barricade and all of the sidewalks on the west side of the bridge were well marked as closed.
3) To my friend Alicia
(who I'm sure doesn't read this blog, but some of you might know her): When we were teenagers on a caving trip, you taught me many valuable skills. I was just thinking of you today.
4) To my digestive track: We really need to work something out. I don't want another long run like the one you and I had this morning. Was it really good for you? Things that seemed to help you feel better and not want to kill me were water, sour patch kids
(I know, I was surprised too), and running slowly. I'm sorry things got to the point where you needed extra water and food. I'm also sorry about the Gu. We're almost out of the gross lemon lime stuff, and I'll only get the raspberry from now on. I promise. Also, I'll try to take better care of you the night before a long run so we don't get into any more disputes. I don't want any more runs where you try to hurt me.
5) Everyone who was part of my Nike+ iPod graduation gift. I'm still using it. As you can tell by number 4, it was a rough run. At then end, I was feeling kind of discouraged until I looked at last weeks run and realized I was only 5 minutes slower this week than last week.
(I assure you, I can account for all of that time.) It helped me realize how hard I actually worked and keep a positive attitude.
6) The sunrise over Lake Calhoun: you make my heart happy.
7) Willow trees: Willows FTW.
(Kelly Pooky Bear, is "FTW" one of those abbreviations you can't stand? Sorry if it is.)8) Everyone who has contributed to
Bolder Options so far, and
everyone who still wants to: Thanks for your ongoing support. Running a marathon I think will be a big accomplishment but raising enough for a kid to go through a mentoring program is an even bigger deal to me.