
My internet is driving me bonkers

What did I do today?

Morning: My neighbors alarm clock woke me up at 8:00. I wanted to sleep longer but had no choice. Amanda called to invite me up for bacon. Given the weather later on in the day, I'm kind of glad I didn't go. Mostly I spent the morning lounging and having a nice breakfast.

Afternoon: I went to the Y where I totally wore myself out. After running yesterday, I decided my hamstrings needed some strengthening (all that running on dirt and gravel). We'll see if I run tomorrow. Then I went to the hardware store where I found my new favorite substance, paper tack. I have these little frames that need to be hung in a specific configuration. I learned from Amanda's mirrors that nails might not leave the desired flexibility in adjusting the position.

Actually I feel about the paper tack about like I feel towards the internet right now. If it does what it's supposed to, it's great. However, the possibility that the tack won't behave as expected is very real.

After that it was like 4:00 and lunch seemed like a really good idea.

At some point during the day, my internet freaked out. Which didn't make me at all happy. So I called USI wireless to let them know that while not touching anything related to the wireless modem or my router, the signal just totally disappeared, and stayed gone for a while. The technical support operator said he is sending me a directional (read: better) antennae that's supposed to address this issue.

Evening: It took me until around 9:30 to get my laundry in the machine. I thought that while I was drying clothes I'd give some rice away but that was the next time the internet freaked out. This time it said I had a signal but it wouldn't pull up any web pages other than the login to the USI wireless network. It's only puzzling because usually if I don't have a signal, I can't login. This time I could login fine, I just couldn't get anywhere else.

So what else did I do for day... oh crap, the internet is freaking out again. I'm assuming this'll just get saved on the computer for later.

Thing 1: Save a bug. Remember, all life has value.
Thing 2: I put more clothes in the good will bag. It's almost full. Again. It's good that I'm doing this because I'll have a lot more free space to buy nice new clothes on day 30.

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