
Back on the running bandwagon

I ran 3 miles today. Have I mentioned I love to run?

I also watched a movie called Saint Ralph which makes me just want to run more than I already do. I highly recommend this movie to all of the people who know me and read this blog, and anyone else out there who stumbled upon it. It's about a kid who is searching for a miracle to help his mother wake up from a coma. The miracle he picks? Winning the Boston Marathon.

On a side note: I still think it would be cool to run a marathon. I don't know if ten months is enough time to get ready for the Twin Cities Marathon. It's definitely worth thinking about. (Side note two: I'm not sure if the spell checker on firefox is working. Nope, I know it's not because it's letting me spell firefox with a small f. Sorry for all the typos.)

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