
Running Streak: Chose your goals!

My own personal running streak has been going since October of 2012.  I've written about it a few times, most recently on my 500th day running.  Excuses get harder and harder to find as that number gets higher.

Today I was reading this post by South African Runner Johann.  The post made me consider the advice I'd give another runner who was actually going to do a running streak.  (I mean, even among runners, there's so few who'd actually think this is a good idea.  I've never met another one in real life.

To runners considering a Running Streak I say chose your main goal, all other goals have a lower priority.  If a running streak is your first goal, other goals including race times and recovery plans have to come second to running at least a mile every day.  It's possible to imagine running a mile the day before running a marathon or 50K.  Now imagine running the day after the big race. On purpose.  Because your main goal is a running streak.

The second, slightly less important, piece of advice is that there are still recovery days in a running streak.  There are hopefully be at least 1 or 2 days of the week when streakers are only running the minimum distance required to keep the streak alive.   This explains why I have these posts that say "I ran a mile today" and I'm all happy about it.

The most important thing of all: Good Luck to all the runners who are committing to streaking in April of this year.  Enjoy!

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