

I am planning to race this weekend.  What I mean is "I hope I'm not so slow I get swept off the course."  I keep checking the weather and told my friend today 'it's getting a bit warmer for Saturday'.  My friend, thinking he was being supportive says "oh, that's great" and I was all "yeah, it's at the exact temperature where I'm not sure what to wear".  Because #RunnerProblems.

It's looking like around 37* and breezy at the start line.  The breeze will not stop but the temps will warm up during the race.  When it was going to be 32* I was thinking pants.  Now I'm all "shorts and long socks?"  And don't get me started on what to wear on top.  That's a blog post almost entirely on it's own.  Happily the race has a drop bag site, so I can bring warm clothes, which I think I'll need.  I remember freezing my butt off at one other half marathon.  I was never so happy for a pair of pants in my life.

For a look around the web at #runnerproblems (Google did not disappoint here), check out:

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