
Running in the cold - I can't breathe

I joke with my Running Neighbor that we always pick the coldest part of the coldest day of the week to run.  Today it was 25* so literally twice as warm as the last time we went out but it will be 50* later on.  Sigh.  Since it was her birthday yesterday, I let Running Neighbor pick the route.  She chose a mostly 'trail' route that she likes and I enjoy some of the time.  Yes, even in the city we can find dirt to run on.

It was so cold there's no oxygen left in the air. The thing about marathon training all summer is that we runners get so freaking hot and sweaty that we imagine running in the cold will feel good.  We are all delusional.  Running in the cold feels like starving for oxygen.  Add to that, Running Neighbor is also a dog walker and out everyday so she's already acclimatized to the oxygen deprivation that occurs at these temperatures. So not fair.  She was ready to go.  I kept trying to go and not really moving. Sigh.  This is what my view looked like most of the run.

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