
Relaxing at the Lakes

After yesterday's wild run, I just wanted to be outside and enjoy the sunshine and cool-ish weather.

First thing I noticed when I woke up was that my feet and calves were super tight but there was no pain in my quads.  The foam roller must have done something.

I laid around all morning and then headed over to the lakes in the afternoon.  True to form my phone crashed twice during the walk.  I know it has something to do with GPS since it only crashes when I'm using the GPS on the device.  It crashes when I'm using GPS in the car too and that really sucks.

For some reason, I've been a "Lake of the Isles" mood so that's where I headed. I had a brief detour over to Lake Cedar and totally took the long way back. But now I've found both Lake Cedar and what I'm dubbing "the whitest part of Minneapolis". Wow.

Sunflowers just opening up to see me. (It was probably the sunshine they were really after. But whatever, I am a ray of sunshine.)

Morning glory staying open all day.

Nice view of downtown Minneapolis looking over Lake of the Isles.

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