
Friday - work

Friday was my last day of working on Fridays.  I'm switching my four day weeks back to Monday through Thursday.  Working so late I was the last person at the office on Fridays was more than I could bear.

Practicing my stealth skills - see how the Pepsi logo obscures the reflection of my face

Friday morning was a training - clearly I had some free time to take photos of pepsi cans and my shoes

I did actually make it to the office on Friday between training and a meeting at an agency about two blocks from said office.  After the meeting I badly needed food.  I headed up to Punch Pizza and finished up some paperwork while enjoying some awesome food *ahem* carbs; while enjoying some awesome carbs.

This place has the only pizza on the planet that I actually want.  Mmmm.

My pizza had arugula, goat cheese and prosciutto

My pizza is gone.

As per my usual, after work on Friday I was completely exhausted and didn't want to do anything. I could've gone to the gym, could've gone grocery shopping, could've done a few other things and chose to done of them at all. Instead I laid on my couch until moving to bed.

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