
Too much TMI? You be the judge

Here's the sequence of events.
1. Mention this story on the blog.
2. Friend comments that based on story, she fights like a man.
3. Lizzie re-reads story. Am saddened to learn they didn't mention very interesting research about fighting and blood pressure. I'll tell you now:
Researchers would invite couples in to a lab, hook them up to blood pressure machines and then ask them to argue with each other. (It took researchers an amazingly long time to learn they didn't need to suggest a topic or scenario for arguing. Simply giving the direction to argue was enough.) Then researchers sat back and watched the show. As women argued, their blood pressures dropped, almost like a release valve. As men argued, their blood pressure increased. But when men were quiet and didn't argue, their blood pressure dropped.
4. Based on points in article, can't figure out why friend thinks she argues like a man.
5. Stop trying to figure out what friend read that she identified with. Am only happy she does not fight like woman from Papua New Guinea.

PS - Just had Chipotle for the first time since sometime in September. Am very happy.

1 comment:

  1. I thought this was the article you were referencing, found on digg, that I'd read earlier that day (btw, in this post you linked to something about touch keyboards.

    Here's what I read: In the 8th paragraph, it refers to the idea that men (or at least the man talking) freeze up or retreat into silence or just aren't skilled at arguing, whereas women are.

    I didn't read much of the rest of the article the first time around; it got boring. But re-reading it today, I didn't see anything about blood pressure. So I think we're confused about which article we're talking about. You did, however, link to the above article in your original post (I checked).
