
Extra Credit

Three more lessons I just learned:

Number One: When cooking with cilantro, especially chopped cilantro, all flat and some vertical surfaces attract cilantro. The little chopped cilantro leaves seemed to be everywhere in my kitchen. Everything I cleaned seemed to have cilantro stuck to it in some way. An extra tip, when there's just a little left over cilantro stick it in a fruit smoothie. Not a ton, but it adds a subtle taste. If there's every any mint, add all of it to the smoothie. yum.

Number Two: When the carton of milk is done, rinse it out immediately. There are no exceptions to this rule.

Number Three: I spent quite a while on Sunday listening to Dad tell me how I should redecorate and remodel this place when I take over ownership. After just cleaning my kitchen I have decided that if I'm going to be forced to own an electric stove (and at this point it's pretty clear I am being forced to do so), it will be a glass top. I'm done picking bits of food out of the burners and trying to clean the oil and food that lodges itself in the tinniest most ridiculous crevices in the world. Glass top all the way.

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