
Liz Gets Herself a Job Part 3

In this installment: The Interview
That's right. I had an interview today for a position directing support groups across two states. I want to be clear, I would love this position. Except, and here's the thing, there's a public policy component to the job. I could love that part or I could really not. Side bar: Did you know Blogger Autosaves now? How wild is that? I'm not sure how the interview went. It was another interview of me being younger than everyone else in the room. That could have been really good. I really liked the people in the room. They were nice to me and even though there were four people it was the least intimidating interview I've had so far.

When I got home I had an email from another agency asking me to resend my resume. Then that person wrote me back and asked to set up an interview. So I have an interview on Tuesday as well. After that on Tuesday I'm going out to lunch with a colleague who's going back to grad school. I'm trying not to tell her any stories that will make her run screaming away. Only she's going to get a Masters and a PhD. It's going to take her at least six years. It only took me two and I'm ready to loose my mind. I think I am loosing my mind.

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