Two weeks to go
Two weeks to go started with a bad run and the panic attack from hell. Which caused me to do only heart rate based work outs and abandon all else. Plus, I feel much better for surviving the panic attack. And when I get done with this damn race training, I want to do all the fun things including all the classes I haven't been to in forever. ::Phew::
Plan: Long Run
Actual: Run 10.15 miles and
I don't want to talk about it. Walk/run 3.3 miles with a friend. Foam roll and stretch.
Plan: Run 1 mile, elliptical the rest
Actual: 4.15 miles run outside on my favorite route. Pity party from yesterday is over. Today helped me remember that I like to run, and running should only be used to make myself feel good.
Plan: Low heart rate run, elliptical. Lift weights?
We'll see if I've recovered from Sunday
Actual: 2.3 miles on the treadmill, Avg HR 129
(this was a good run), and then 60 mins on the elliptical. For many reasons I opted to skip weight lifting. The one I'll share on here is that the TRX frame is now caught in a construction zone at the gym, and it would've annoyed now.
Plan: 1 mile run
Actual: 1.2 miles run, very early in the morning. Very early.
Plan: 1 mile run, elliptical the rest
this can be switched with Saturday if I want
Actual: 5.75 miles run, Avg HR 136. Bonus spin class for 20 mins or so.
Plan: 1 mile run
Actual: 1.21 miles. Avg HR 126. For such a low heart rate this was a very fast run. Mildly encouraged.
Plan: Low heart rate run, no more speed. Maybe Zumba?
Actual: 4.15 miles run and some walking and taking pictures around Lake Hiawatha. No Zumba.
One week to go
Plan: Long Run at Ft Snelling
Actual: No long run. I woke up not feeling it and thought to myself,
"why would I do this when I feel like crap? Rest will be better" Instead I ran 2.55 miles to get Ice Cream and then walked 1.5 miles home.
Plan: 1 mile run, elliptical the rest
Actual: 5 mile run. It's a gorgeous day and I was not going inside to an elliptical. I did feel mildly guilty for not doing yesterday's last long run.
Plan: Low heart rate run or 1 mile run and elliptical
Actual: 1.20 miles run, low heart rate. No elliptical.
Plan: 1-4 miles run, or 1 mile run and elliptical
Actual: 4.2 miles run with a friend.
Plan: 1 mile run
Actual: 1.2 miles run
Plan: 1 mile run
Actual: 1.2 miles run, stretching
Plan: 1 mile run, cheer for friends in the 5K
Actual: 1.2 miles run, stretching, yoga. Cheering for all of my friends. Then I spent the rest of the day watching IM Kona.