
Year of Running 2014

This isn't my official review, but I am using Miss Zippy's questions to get my mind going.

Best Race Experience: Tie between my first trail race and the Loony Bin.  I mean "Loony Challenge".   The trail race was fantastic because it was utterly low key and welcoming.  Loony was fantastic because I liked so many races in one weekend and it was basically well organized and fun.

Best Run: Get in Gear was a revelation.  I was NOT expecting the time I ran in that race.

Best New Piece of Gear: My Heart Rate Monitor. I have a love/hate relationship with the thing.  Although I've liked it much more this winter than in the summer when it was making me run super slow.

Best Running Advice Received: When a friend said 'when I was swinging kettle bells, that's the most solid my body has ever been'.  TRX/Kettle Bell class was really fun.

Most Inspirational Runner: Meb Keflezighi.  Because we needed a win in Boston, and he was all heart and class in New York.

Sum Up Your Year in A Couple of Words: Just Keep Running.

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