
Step Back Week - Part 2

Thursday I was all excited for a really hard workout.  Sigh.  It was not meant to be.  Thursday also happens to be the day my stomach went into attack mode.  I did have an early day with training so I got to the gym early and had time for a nice run.  Mostly.  The run seemed to calm down my stomach a bit, and opted for Body Pump instead of Circuit.  Yeah, I got sick twice during Body Pump before I finally decided to give up and go home.  My stomach was so bad that I missed Zumba and that pretty much says it all.

Friday was a surprisingly busy day on the track.  I ran 4 miles, then walked a cool down mile and did lots of stretching.  We'll see if I can replicate the stretching on Saturday.  The run was good but my feet have had their quote of running in Vibrams for the week.

Saturday I was ready to get back on the horse with Body Pump.  I ran a quick bit in the morning, around 1.5 miles, and then did Body Pump, and then Zumba which was great.  I had a bit of a productivity Saturday afterwards accomplishing laundry, including my sheets, and then polishing my big table. 

I was really glad the first week of the new gig wound up being a step back week.  I think ultimately I will have to change my schedule a bit at the gym because my day off moved from Friday to Wednesday.  One of the things I was considering today was going back to Monday night Circuit and Pilates, using Thursday for Body Pump, and Saturday for a good run before Zumba.  All of this works in theory in the winter, and may be a bit easier when the weather warms up and I can run outside.  We shall see.

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