

  • I'm not a parent, but this helps me understand what it might be like.  I'm still undecided on the whole "does Liz want kids" question.  Although, when does anyone ever feel like they're ready for that?
  • Almost 15% of Medicare patients suffered preventable errors during hospitalizations.  Seriously!?  It will be interesting to see what comes of the further investigations about specific hospitals and health systems that CMS ordered.  In the Twin Cities almost all of the hospitals have some kind of weird status (which Amanda could explain to you) that means they only employ RNs (nurses with a 4-year, not 2-year degree).  Bottom line - don't let granny go to the hospital if you can avoid it.
  • What if all the countries had the same population density?  Here's how the world would look if every country had the same amount of room for each person.  United States and Brazil stay the same.  Everyone else: Move.  Look at Bangladesh (moved to where India is now, India gets Canada, I lost track of what the Canadians get).  Malawi moves to where Vietnam is now for those who are curious.
  • From the same source, how truly developed is the United States?  Launch the infographic.  You can look at things by state or congressional district and compare overall development, economic factors, risk factors, health factors (Go Minnesota for being number 2 in the overall health index), and a ton of other stuff.  I can also divide things by race or gender or both.  It's notable how many things the District of Columbia leads the country, health index for white women for example, and it's close neighbor, West Virginia is last in the country in the same measure.  And why does DC have the best health index in the country for white women but the lowest (of the states that measure) for black men?  (Yes, I looked.)
  • In closing, I really enjoy this blog and this is the best explanation of "Meh" I've ever read.  Tears were rolling down my face.  Too funny.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the population density link. Very neat!
