
Random thoughts and links before bed

I ran today which means I'm not hungry and I'm not tired. It just feels good to be in my body right now. The not sleepy part is important because it also means a bonus blog post.

  • Win to the Park Board for having four port-a-pots at various points around Lake Harriet. Boo to whomever for making all four of them totally gross and unusable.

  • Win to the little girl on the scooter who said, "Daddy, that runners going really fast" when I went by them. Made my day.

  • Remember when cell phones had roaming charges? Me too. Gosh doesn't that seem like forever ago.

  • I'm trying this Pandora thing. I really like it so far. My idea of the perfect radio station is something like Acoustic Sunrise pretty much all the time except when I run. There are some good songs on here. So far it's been a pleasant surprise.

  • Remember when streaming music sites started? I do. I was what you'd call an early adopter at that point. (Possibly because I was a decidedly late adopter of the iPod.) It was a less than ideal situation as I remember and I un-adopted it pretty quick. There were lots of commercials and the stations didn't really understand which songs I wanted to hear. There was also a fairly limited catalog as I recall.

  • I totally need to fill out the census. Oops.

  • Win for health care. There's tons of information on this one. First, a good look at how you're likely to interact with the new health care system; next a look at the immediate effects of the bill. As a person trying to count calories, I was pleasantly surprised by the 'nutrient content disclosure' clause. Also, this article says something about the 'non-profit' arm of Blue Cross but in Minnesota all health insurance companies are required to be non-profit (why is that not a law everywhere?) so I'm assuming this applies to all of them. Finally, ::steps on on soap box:: what this bill means for Minnesota in particular. It sounds like good news. I'm not sure why Governor Pawlenty wants to sue the federal government over the legislation (other than the Republicans lost this one) when it's going to bring some much needed money to the state and save GAMC (which is a great program and should be saved) but I guess I'm not surprised. Over half the county is in favor of single-payer health care so of course he's against it. :: Steps down::

  • I think this is a great idea.

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