
I'm on facebook

What do I do now?


  1. Do the "search for friends" via your email program. It will temporarily have access to your address book, and give you a list of people that are both in your address book and on Facebook. Then you can selectively pick which persons you want to request to be friends with via Facebook. Then you wait for them to confirm you as friends.

    In the meantime, if you fill out your profile with bits of info about you (like workplace, education, etc), then on the home page it will give you suggestions of people you may know.

    You can do the quizzes, find fun applications, use it like Twitter (or with Twitter, if'n you want)....

    Was that a good start?

  2. Oh, I should add...

    Fill out your profile and add a picture before making friend requests. Then, just in case someone is confused and can't remember exactly who you are, a brief glimpse at your profile will confirm that you are someone they know.

    Just a thought.

  3. I tried to find you. I think I sent you a message. Confirm it's really you and I will request you as a friend
