
Sunday workout - This crap is still in my lungs

For quite a while my workout schedule has been:
  • Sunday - whatever I felt like at the moment, pray for a long run if I didn't do one Saturday
  • Monday - Circuit Plus (that means a longer class) and Pilates
  • Tuesday - hopefully running, sometimes resting
  • Wednesday - High Intensity Water Running.  It's sick that I use that class as a 'recovery' day.
  • Thursday - Circuit and Zumba
  • Friday - Supposedly running, but that was mostly determined by the availability of a running buddy.
  • Saturday - Maybe a long run, usually resting, sometimes Pilates and walking.

Since I'm supposedly training for another marathon oy I decided I needed to revise the schedule to include some actual running.  I also had an honest talk with myself about long runs.  I have always been most successful at doing long runs on work days and not on weekends.  I do the lions share of long runs alone, meaning I don't need to wait for the weekends to run with friends.  I do better if I have some scheduling motivation to haul myself out of bed at 5am and get going.  (Get this run over with so you can go to work!)  I imagined a new schedule for myself that looks like this:
  • Sunday - Speed workout; Core workout; stretching
  • Monday - Long Run (morning) and Pilates (evening)
  • Tuesday - Recovery Run, backup for long runs in case of bad conditions
  • Wednesday - High Intensity Water Running.  Maybe I'll take off the water belt sometime.
  • Thursday - Run (morning), Circuit and Zumba (evening).  Zumba is fun and I can go as hard or easy as I want.  It's like it's own recovery run.  Plus, Friday I can sleep in.
  • Friday - Not sure how I want to use this day.  I will run with my running buddy on days we're both free.
  • Saturday - Also not sure how I want to use this day.  There is a Pilates class on Saturday and I love the teacher.  Maybe one last run if I need more miles for the week.

 My first Sunday Speed Workout was rough because this sinus infection from hell got into my lungs and is still there.  I read this article from Runner's World to help me pick a speed workout.  Most speed workouts are done on a track and most tracks are either 200 meters (1/8 mile) or 400 meters (1/4 mile), and most speed workouts are done in intervals that can be easily measured on those tracks.  Yeah.  I run on a track that is 1/6 mile.  Suck it. 

I chose the "tried and true" Option 2 because it was the most accessible to a track that is 269 yards around.  I "sprinted" (I use that term loosely) 1 lap and slow-jogged 1/2 lap.  I walked between laps 3,6 and 9 instead of jogging.  Because I couldn't breathe.  I'm thinking that's actually a sick thing and not an out of shape thing.  Trust me, it feels different than just out of shape.

Here's the sound track to my workout:

After the speed torture was over, I then did several laps of drills.  2 foot hops are from the devil.  Lunges are hard.  High knees - oy.  I did all the hard ones first.  Then I did a lap of cross overs, a lap of 'kick butts' and ended with a lap of running backwards.

Next up was the ab workout.  For fun I threw in the side lying leg series.  I also got the idea that I could still do a gymnastics bridge since I spent most of my childhood in that position.  Turns out I am not that strong.  I thought it would be my arms that were too weak but it's actually my core.  I got an exercise ball and used that for support and then I was good.

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