
Beer and iPhones - true story

We're in full swing of what I refer to as "Jewish Holiday Season" for those people not of the tribe.  It means our office is closed a couple days a week for about four weeks in a row for people to observe some very important traditions.  I myself have been observing the tradition of "laying on the couch and doing nothing", following the theme of "no work is allowed on these days".  It's one of the many reasons I love my job.

And what I've really been up to:

Wednesday - the office was open, and I knew it was going to be an insane day that would ultimately end early (when the office closed at 4pm to start the holiday).  I did no exercise.  (Work was really rough.)

Thursday - I got up and made eggs and bacon for breakfast.  Then I did various activities that could all be accomplished while laying on the couch.  I got back up around 3:30pm and made spaghetti for my lunch/supper/afternoon-and-evening-meal.  I finally got my ass up around 7pm and headed over to the gym.  (Why are all these cars still here?  It's not January yet.)  I hit the elliptical for an hour.  When I came home I resumed my position on the couch and was starting to fall asleep when the Qat Lady called (at 11:20pm) and hauled me off the couch, into the shower, and down to the bar.  Once you know the reason my company was imperative, it's hilarious that the only flirting that took place the entire night was done by me while Qat Lady was in the bathroom.

Friday - well, obviously I spent the night on Qat Lady's torture rack *ahem* "pull out couch".  It took me half of the night and some of that morning to convince my friend that she would not turn into a pumpkin if she drove across the river to Minneapolis to enjoy some corn pancakes.

Qat Lady then wanted to get the new iPhone (who doesn't want the new iPhone?) so we went to Mall of America's Apple Store to get one.
Here we are (flaunting the Apple Store's "no pictures" rule) waiting for the credit card transaction to go through AT&T's network which was understandably blown up by the new phones being released.  Like 30 minutes later they just had her buy a gift card so they could complete the transaction later.

I spent much of the rest of yesterday trying to make my phone appear adequate next to the new iPhone.  To be clear the best things about my phone are that I don't have to deal with AT&T (thank you T-Mobile), and the native Google Maps app with Turn by Turn directions, etc. built right in.  The native Google Maps app I have doesn't come on the iPhone and I use it every day.   So I'm not sure if I would get the phone if it were available to T-Mobile.  It is pretty tempting.  Sight.

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