
Making my way back to the land of the living

Where have I been? An inch away from death apparently. Not that bad but I was pretty sick.

Sunday: The sinus infection started. Nasal spray seemed to be quite helpful. And Amanda took me out for Pho. I thought the broth would help. The food was awesome. That was the day I could still eat.

Monday: I think I slept most of the night Sunday. I had the day off Monday for Shavout so I mostly slept. I was supposed to see my mentee. When I called her she said I sounded pretty sick so I didn't feel too bad about canceling. I took NyQuil hoping for some relief.

Tuesday: Well now I have a fever too. And it's the last day I can take nasal spray (which is a miracle drug) because it can only be taken 3 days in a row. I started taking other drugs. Dayquil? It's really an amazing drug but it makes me crazy so I try not to take it. I thought I had something to do Tuesday night so I called and canceled that too. It's a low grade fever and it seemed to be going down. More Nyquil. Work is open tomorrow so I have to go.

Wednesday: It's possible the fever has broken. I drove into work and took down the 14 messages that were waiting for me. I started returning some of those calls when it became clear that the fever had not broken. So I called the doc and went to see him instead. By the time I got there I had a raging migraine on top of everything else. So he decided in addition to the three other prescriptions that I needed a strong pain medication as well. I guess he was kind of freaked out that the fever had lasted as long as it had because he gave me antibiotics (for bacterial infections I assume?), steroids (to make me stronger and get all the way better) and really strong sudafed which also makes me mildly crazy. He said I had to get all the way better because if a sinus infection gets worse it can go into my brain. (I'd actually read that before and wasn't surprised when he said that.) I was cleared to go back to work and to run on Sunday. Also that thing I thought was Tuesday was tonight. I didn't go.

Thursday (Today): I didn't sleep so well last night. (I blame the super dose of sudafed.) I did wake up and go to work early. And I worked all day. (I'm beat.) When I got home I cleaned up from being sick. That makes a big mess. I had two sets of sheets (bed and air mattress), plus I hadn't done dishes most of the week and all the mail had piled up. I called my mom and whined for a long time about having been sick but the laundry and the cleaning got done. My A/C is on right now. I'm taking mercy on myself.

1 comment:

  1. Liz, steroids make you wired. Sudafed can have a similar effect, but really, I think it was the 'roids. Glad you are feeling better.
