
Heirloom Tomatoes

I'm not sure if my distaste for raw tomatoes has been adequately described on this blog.  If I have to eat a raw tomato or even smell one, my face curls up worse than this:


 Tonight the conversation went like this:
Him: Have you tried heirloom tomatoes?
Me *Makes face* Yes.  I don't like raw tomatoes.
Him But heirloom tomatoes...
Me Trust me, I don't like raw tomatoes.  I like them roasted.  Or in soup.  Or in tomato sauce.
Him But they're so good, you don't need to cook them.  Would you just try one for me?

To be fair - yes, I will try one for you because I've been down this road before and it's the easiest thing.  Why does everyone think they have special powers that can make an heirloom tomato taste and smell different than all the other times I've tried them?  Save your heirloom tomatoes for people who will enjoy them as much as you do folks.

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