
Snowpocalypse 2010

Sven just told me we got 16" of snow at MSP Airport which is quite close to where I live.  16 Inches!?!  Another Sven gem: "2 becuase I'm an optimist; I'm staying positive" - meaning the high tomorrow may get a high as 2* above zero.  Oh lord.

There was a point when they plowed the lot.  Keep in mind - at 2:30pm I could see pavement.

Amanda's Gloves: They were no match for the blizzard.

And then you're all - "dude, where'd the pavement go?"  And then I was all, "dude, how am I going to get in?"

There was obviously waaaay less snow on the north side of the car, I'll be climbing over the gear shift sometime tomorrow to get her moved out.

You can't see my legs because I'm hip deep in snow.

The after may be worse than the before.

I hope the plow comes back and moves more of this snow.

Now I'm really all "where's the concrete?"  Good to know it's probably still down there anyways.

They canceled hockey.  We are "The State of Hockey".

We could play football tomorrow becuase the field is inside and there's no snow on it.  Except there's no one to play against?!?

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