
Walk around naked...

My teenager asked me today, "do you ever walk around the house naked?" Hilarious!

The thing about this relationship is I always try to be honest with her. Even when the questions are awkward or private. (When's the last time you had sex? What's it like to get drunk?) I figure if she trusts me enough to ask I need to trust her enough to be comfortable and tell the truth. She hasn't disappointed me yet.

You see how I'm not answering her question in this particular forum but I did tell her she may feel differently about the question if she lived alone instead of with a parent.

Today was an off day from running (obviously or I would have had something else to write about). It's been a busy week. I have a long run and hill run to do still this week. Then I need to figure out how to taper before the half-marathon. (Anyone want to car-trip it to Cincinnati with me?)

While I'm looking for half-marathon training plans that will help me remember how to taper for this thing, I think you will all enjoy this.

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