
I'm back in a big way

I spent the greater part of this week feeling like I was going to die. I wasn't sick, I was just sooooo tired. I just kept waking up late, working, coming home and sleeping. Notice how there was no running? I did too. A couple different people pointed out that I was probably anemic and that I should eat red meat. I'll keep that in mind the next time I feel this way.

Wednesday, I finally felt mostly alive so I went for a semi-long run at the Y. I did six miles of sprints and then went another mile just for fun. Then I got in the pool and swam laps. I love the pool.

Yesterday I was unable to run because we had a birthday party (yes, at 5:30am) instead. I got in to work just after the party at 6:40am.

Today, I went for a run around Lake Nokomis and Lake Hiawatha. I had a sweet view of this ginormous blue heron sleeping on top of the railing on the dock. Sweet. When I got back, I hooked up my iPod to download both runs and found out my little iPod and I have traveled over 1,000 miles together. Cool.

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