
Vacation Saturday - doing all things Cincinnati Style

Running hills - Cincinnati Style I debated about what to wear (how do I dress for this temperature again?) and then headed out for a hill run in the neighborhood.  Proof that the Flying Pig is just around the corner: all of the Ronker's training groups I saw running the opposite direction (that means down the steep ass hill I was running up).  There sure were a lot of people but I love seeing them all out there. (I should really get registered for the race.)

Breakfast - Cincinnati Style  After running I came home and cooked the family a breakfast of eggs, toast and goetta.  I don't know where all in the United States you can actually purchase goetta.  So far Cincinnati is the only place I've found.

Shopping - Cincinnati Style  I've been in the market for a new pair of running shoes since, well, I probably should've replaced them before the marathon so it's long overdue.  We headed over to the running store so I could get fitted.  A note to my not-from-Cincinnati readers: I waited until I came back to Cincinnati so I could have these guys fit me for a new pair of running shoes.  We actually headed over to Target after the Running Spot and I helped my mom pick out some new Jazzercise clothes.  We placed the "try it on anyway" game.  My pooky bear taught me that game.  Someone always wins.

Friends - Cincinnati Style After shopping and 'lunch' which was toast with peanut butter and a banana I headed up to see Jenny and Doug.  They apparently have two dogs now.  We headed over to park near their house for a walk.

I'm not going down that hill -we're just going to have to come back up

My directive for the day was "I want to be outside"
The walk was nice.  We were up north of the city near what could have been the Little Miami River.  Although I was so totally turned around we could've been just south of Michigan and I wouldn't have known.

We were walking around sunset which means dinner time.  (Plus you read how small was my lunch.)  Dinner - Cincinnati Style
Hell yeah it is...

Grocery Shopping - Cincinnati Style, sort of  Another thing I wanted to do was visit Jungle Jim's.  It's easily the most bizarre, wild, fun grocery store I've ever been.  They get food from all over the world.  The packaged food is less interesting to me but I love looking at all the produce.  They had a lot of Asian fruits like the mangosteens and lychees.  Plus they had passion fruits which I crave constantly and can never find.  If I ever live in a tropical country, Passion fruits is all I will eat.  Ever.

To understand the experience - these are the bathrooms and yes, you really do go in there

Desserts - Cincinnati Style  Last on our agenda was dessert (duh) and obviously we went to Grater's.  There were way too many kids there.  I got three mini cones so I could have all my favorites: mocha, black raspberry chip, and dark chocolate chip.  Yum.

Tomorrow on the agenda I think will be playing with bats *ahem* seeing Alicia.  I mgiht get to see one or two other friends too. 

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