
Crazy pills...

In honor of January being done (thank the lord), the weather here was as close to freezing as we've been in quite a long time.  And yes, humidity is still an issue when the air temperature is this cold.  I know from what I speak.

I finally got outside and went for a run at my happy place, all covered in snow.  The path was so well groomed I actually didn't even wear yak trax.  I can't decide if that was a mistake or not.  I did feel weird to run and have my feet actually touch the ground.

Running has been a little rough this winter and not just because of the cold temperatures and record breaking snow fall.

My doctor decided that I shouldn't routinely be in so much pain that I have to miss work.  So for the next little while I am a chemistry set while she sees if she can get me to not hurt quite as bad.  I've also heard the first month of side effects are the worst and I'm hoping it's true.  Side effects so far include no appetite, cray hypoglycemia (thanks in part to the no appetite), less energy (how do I have less than the energy required to sit on the couch all day?) and less interest in my hobbies.  That last one is notable because usually the week I'm on my period is the week I take off running.  Instead this is the first time in a while I've wanted to run.

On the plus side, the doc's pain control recommendation is 800mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours.  Oh my wow does that ever work.  So I don't care about anything but at least I'm not in too much pain.

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