
Marathoners - a train of thought piece

This morning I was thinking I should pick my next marathon. I need to start training again so I don't gain all the weigh I lost.

Then I started thinking about this shirt Beth told me about (and possibly owns?) that says something along the lines of 'every year I swear I'm never going to run another marathon'.

Which got me started at looking at marathon shirts (funny shirts, not race shirts) as well as shopping for marathons. (Seriously, wouldn't Port Angeles be fun? It'd be nice to have a better memory there.)

For those of you who may need to buy me a Christmas gift, here are some funny ideas for you. These images are all of shirts from CafePress' Marathon Site but there are some other good sites too.

No disrespect to my many friends (and multiple cousins) who play any of the above sports.  I've tried them all.  You're all invited to run with me any time you want.

I'm unlikely to ever wear this shirt.  I've spent so much time at the back of the pack I don't think I'd want to discourage anyone.  I'm just glad you're out there too.  If I was fast enough to school some guys, I'd totally buy this though.

This is only funny because I do have an entire mp3 player only for running.  (Thanks to my Pooky Bear, Amanda and Eric who got the system for me.)

Who hasn't been there?  Actually, I've only had minor struggles with this and it was corrected quite easily with the correct shoes.  (How my toenails look is another discussion entirely.)

This is me!!

This is me too!

This is kind of mean.  I was just amused enough to tell you about it.

Best. Shirt. Ever.  To my friends and family who play other sports, I renew the invitation to come for a run.

Been there.

Passive aggressive much?  Although I am alarmed at how often I have to answer this question.

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