
It's possible I am a runner

Yesterday Beth drug me around Lake Calhoun faster than my body has ever moved in my life. (Thanks for that, I had fun by the way.) And this morning I ran 6 miles more or less.

It was sometime yesterday, or possibly the day before, that I started actually thinking I could run a marathon. And then I started thinking about all the marathons I could run. There's one in Cincinnati that would be fun. Plus at some point I do want to run the Twin Cities Marathon. I feel like that's the one that got all of this started.

I read this book once, (well a few times now) that said, whenever reality meets your highest thoughts about yourself a new and grander view of yourself is suddenly open to you. And in that way we never stop growing and getting better. That's how I'm feeling about running right now. I am finally starting to believe that I can regularly run 5 days a week. And I'm even contemplating the Half-Marathon at the end of May. (I should register for that pretty soon.)

I think this week I'm going to try to start running more with Beth so I can learn to go faster.

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