
I'm not a total slug

Yesterday, I did nothing. I'm not entirely sure I saw another human being yesterday. A stark contrast to how I spent my days off last week. I didn't even run yesterday. It was too rainy, and then I was napping. Today, I went to the gym and I had an interesting dilemma. I decided to do the elliptical instead of running. I really try to run on that track as little as possible. I know what's coming this winter. The ellipticals at the gym are really nice and one of their features is they count the distance in miles that I've "run" on the machine. The dilemma: do these miles count towards the running goal? I had pretty much decided "yes". Then I came home and read this article (I love wikipedia) about ellipticals and decided that for sure these miles count.

Today, I ran 3.4 miles, bringing my total for the week and month to 9.3 miles. I have 5.7 miles left to run this week (read: tomorrow) and 55.7 miles for the month. I'm not sure about the running tomorrow. Why? It's supposed to be about one billion degrees. Hot for October anyways. And, the running path that I'd normally take to run that far? Blocked off by the marathon. Plus, I'd like to actually see the marathon. And it might rain.

Another thing I got done today was reorganizing my storage closet. I threw away about half of the boxes and all of the styrofoam that was in there. No one really knows what I was keeping that stuff for. I've come to my senses now. I also thought about giving a whole bunch of stuff to charity but was thwarted. Goodwill won't take the stuff I want to give, including a television and stereo. The TV definitely works. The stereo has it's days. I also have a white floor lamp with gold hardware. You were with me until the gold weren't you? I don't like it either. I'm currently exploring my other options. Anyone know how you dispose of a stereo in a way that won't kill the environment or get me arrested?

And then I made dinner. I was really distressed when I read the nutrition facts for eggs. 250 miligrams of cholesterol in one egg? And it's just a large egg, not even the extra large or the jumbo. And then I started doing more research on eggs and the likeliness that eating one will lead to a heart attack. This article from Science, the magazine of the National Science Foundation seems to encourage eating a moderate serving of eggs. This article from a somewhat less reputable source also seems to indicate that the other health qualities of eggs far outweigh their cholesterol count for anyone who does not already have high cholesterol. The reason I love eggs: their a wonderful source of protein. Is two eggs a day too much? One never seems enough.

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