
Nothing exciting happened to me today

Nothing exciting happened to me today. Mildly interesting were all the non-functioning traffic lights I had to contend with.

The true excitement was last night. After I blogged, it started to rain. I went in to take a shower. I was rinsing shampoo and conditioner and when I opened my eyes again... It was still dark. I thought, "ok, I'm done in here" and went to go look out the window at the lighting, which was unreal by the way. I've never seen that much before. And then I started thinking "ok, I've got all these flashlights (because I'm a caver and I used to be a bat biologist) but none of them have batteries in them". It turns out I have a little mirror to pluck my eyebrows and that has a battery powered light around it, which was enough to find the lighter to light some candles. And then I remembered have another flashlight two of them actually that do have batteries.

Once I had that taken care of, I went on to my next concern: flooding. I live on low ground. There's a pumping station a block away, that pumps water out of the sewers. In times of heavy rain (or maybe no electricity) the pump turns off. Mercifully, I kept one of my paper phone books and it had the Minneapolis sewer emergency number for nights and weekends. It was almost midnight. Seemed like a perfect time to call. And that's when I heard "you have reached the Minneapolis Sewer Emergency line, please leave a message". My condo is about to flood! But they must have received it because shortly after that the flooding went down. When the pump goes on it takes about five minutes for the courtyard (flooded about a foot deep in the middle) to empty to what's a normal amount of water for a storm.

While I was monitoring the flood progress, I used my little head light and read some Harry Potter. Then I went to bed. And woke up early. And worked a longer than normal day. And then I exercised. The eliptical kicked my butt. I made (my take on) Salmon picatta for dinner, with the other half of the Salmon. Time to eat. Yum.

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