

In honor of spring break, a moment of Randomness:

1. Do you like to read? Yes when it's for fun. No when I need to learn something from it. What is your fav book? For sheer reading pleasure, any Harry Potter book. author? Charles Dickens
2. Do you hate it when they turn a book into a film? Sometimes. There are some parts of books I love to see on film, and love it when they get it right. Lord of the Rings is a good one because that was such a visual book, seeing it on film was great. When the book is more of a "journey of personal growth" and there's a lot of talk about feelings and change and that sort of thing, the movies usually disappoint. I hold "in her shoes as an example.
3. Has a book ever changed your life? I'm sure one has. Can't think of it right now. How? Well Harry Potter made me like to read again.
4. Do you tend to borrow books from the library or do you prefer to buy them? I try to buy used or borrow from friends. I am fundamentally opposed to the Minneapolis public library system because it bites. Cincinnati, land of conservatives who wont spend money on anything still can afford one of the best libraries there is and I'm spoiled. Plus the libraries are never open. Think I'm kidding?
5. Which book are you planning on reading next? Something good for spring break.

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