
Exciting news

I have exciting news. I have in the past mentioned how the sound works about half the time on my computer. I was having a bit of a meltdown last night (after I ran five miles) because the sound wasn't working and the way I normally make the sound work also wasn't working.

Once again I went back to Google and the message boards in search of an answer. This time I found a totally obscure post about the driver (not the Toshiba brand). So, for anyone who has a Realtek AC 97 Audio Driver, first of all, I'm sorry and I feel your pain. To fix your problems, download and unzip (don't get the .exe) the file for the driver. Run the install program but do not restart the computer. Go into the extracted file and delete the one called alcupd.exe. Then restart the computer.

I don't know if it's totally solved the problem my little computer is having. But I've gotten the sound to come on twice in a row which gives me some amount of hope.

Also, I'm having the best salmon ever in life right now.

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