
Here's the other stuff I wanted to write about, if I can forgive blogger

What's with all the error messages uploading stuff anyways. By the way, try googling "blogger won't upload my photos". That search should not get over 1 million hits.

1. America's Best Ecofriendly Neighborhoods. Minneapolis made the list.
2. The Game. I read somewhere someone said this was really cool, perhaps on Digg. I can't get it to work. Maybe that's part of the riddle. I suspect it's how I have my Firefox settings. No script and cookiesafe get in the way a lot.
3. Here's what you'll be doing with your time if you're American. Yeah to all of you who volunteered last year.
4. The Usable House, just what I need.
5. How not to use interns.
6. Yeah, I'm a vegetarian specifically for this reason. (See the bacon dot.)

Here's what I missed yesterday from 3X Thursday.
1. There is crap to put up with in every family. How much do you put up with? At what point do you stop putting up with it? What do you do to resolve it? I live 12 hours away from home so when I do come home it's special. Also I am an only child and the second youngest of all the cousins. I get no crap.

2. What about with your boyfriend/girlfriend? How do you know when to say 'enough is enough'? How does that usually end? Sadly this does not apply to me.

3. We all need our jobs, but do you put up with much stuff at your job? If it gets to be too much, do you say something? *Can* you say something? I think a lot of people burn out in the job I'm in, I still like it. Amazingly I have a decent attitude about it.

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