
hee hee

Two more funny things I saw on the internet:
The Perfect Human is about an extreme runner. It's a wild read. Can you imagine running that far?

50 Reasons Why It's Great to be A Guy. I'm only posting this to protest a few of the points.

Like #3: A five day vacation requires only one suitcase. Totally done a week vacation with a carry-on. I've done a week in India on my period (where most of the space was consumed by personal products) in a backpack.
12. You understand why Stripes is funny. What is this?
16. You never have to clean the toilet. Oh yes you do.
26. You can be president. This is equally so wrong and so true.
28. You never have to worry about other people's feelings. This one is unfair. Guys don't want to go around hurting other people just as much as women.
31. You can eat a banana in a hardware store. I don't get it.
44. The remote is yours and yours alone. No it's not.
46. You have a normal and healthy relationship with your mother. There's so much I could do with this one my brain will explode just thinking about it.


  1. Anonymous10:59 PM

    well, let me explain number 31. better yet, let me just tell you that i got it immediately, and that i have a dirty mind.

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    yo. that perfect human/superman guy ROCKS. very inspiring. that said, don't try to be like him, lizzy.
