
sitting at the cool kids table

So obviously, from the volume of posts on the subject, last night was an interesting work night. I just want to say ahead of time that I know how big my ego sounds in this blog and it's my blog and I'm ok with it.

The other thing that hit me was that I've been at the aquarium long enough and I understand how things work there well enough that I can be seen as one of "the cool people" who are fun and know everything. I had that realization again last night/this morning. The sad thing about sort of "being the cool person" and setting the example is that sometimes that example gets reflected back, and sometimes (I hope) that reflection is distorted.

I know that sometimes I complain about things at work. I work an overnight shift sometimes with 60 girl scouts sometimes even more terrifying is 60 cub scouts. Even when kids aren't puking, there's some material there. But when I complain, I try to do it in a light hearted, joking, funny kind of manner. I try not to be negative. Usually people smile or laugh at my "complaints". Some of them are pretty funny. Like cutting the donuts in half. I ask you.

So, the co-worker who all of my blogs are about today, tried to "complain". I assume she was trying to get a similar response to what I usually get (people smiling and laughing) but it didn't work so well. Instead she came off sounding pretty negative and miserable. It was kind of upsetting, partly because I don't want to be literally stuck in the aquarium with someone that negative but also because it looks like she's repeating my behavior, but not getting it quite right.

Another one of my challenges is set the example of having a positive attitude and not complaining and having that be cool. If people are going to mirror some of my behaviors, I'd at least like to have it be the good ones.

(Yes, my ego really is this big. Although I'm pretty sleep deprived. Earlier when I was walking in the 100* heat I read a sign that said "Decaf child" and it took me a full minute of knowing that wasn't right to re-read the sign and see "Deaf child". So I'm pretty loopy and full of myself at the moment.)

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